
~Veteran’s Courtyard~

The Veterans Memorial Kennedy Stone House Courtyard, located at the rear of that museum, in honor of all who have served in the military, and was dedicated May 23, 2003 & closed in Fall 2005

A commanders’ Field of engraved bricks of the commanders of the Robert T. Secrest Memorial VFW Post 2901 is located in the east border of the Veteran’s Courtyard.

“ Remembrance Walk of Veteran & Friends’”

The brick walk begins at the breezeway of the Museum. With the genealogy of the Benjamin Kennedy Family engraved on the Bricks . The brick walk is 8 bricks wide row 1 & 8 Honor Veterans; row 2,3,6 and 7 are Friends with center rows 4 and 5 blank. The walk was dedicated May 2006 & closed 2012

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